The WhoIsIt PKI biometric authentication server allows users to logon to the Network, to authenticate applications, digitally sign and encrypt documents, and mail correspondents using PKI technology.
The WhoIsIt PKI biometric server is a self contained server and biometric database. The WhoIsIt biometric database contains each enrolled user’s biometric templates, passwords, and PKI key store. Each user enrolled in the WhoIsIt biometric server database has their own PKI Key store where their Private keys and digital certificates are stored.
The WhoIsIt PKI Client/Server program performs all biometric template matching on the server. This enables users to perform complicated mathematical PKI operations such as sign, encrypt, authenticate, verify, using complex crypto keys and digital certificates from any location, be it home, on the road or in the office without the need for a USB token or Smart Card.
Security is tightened because biometric template matching and PKI asymmetric calculations are performed by the WhoIsIt biometric authentication server. Biometric templates and private key never leave the safety of the server.
The WhoIsIt PKI biometric server does not require the customer to deploy an expensive database system. The WhoIsIt PKI biometric server is designed for resilience and scalability. The WhoIsIt PKI biometric server can scale to 64 processors and parallel process matching and encryption tasks to scale with user demand.
The WhoIsIt PKI biometric server can be reached from anywhere on the network or from the internet. Users can logon to Workstations and the network, authenticate to applications. Users can digitally sign documents, encrypt data and secure e-mail simply by placing their finger on a fingerprint sensor. No Smart Card required
The WhoIsIt PKI biometric server engine offers the customer the ability to use biometrics in place of passwords and PIN numbers to authenticate that the user is the person he or she claims to be.
Users will enroll their biometric templates and register secrets like passwords. WhoIsIt will generate, manage and store the users Private and Public keys in the WhoIsIt biometric authentication server’s database as part of the user’s database attributes.
The WhoIsIt PKI biometric authentication server will run on Windows 2000, 2003 and XP systems.
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